Friday, January 23, 2009

Dealing with boredom

I sit here at my desk on a Friday afternoon waiting for the clock to strike 5. I've been here since 7 o'clock this morning and haven't done anything all day (I work at an electrical supply house). I am trying so hard to not stare at the clock. I've been browsing the great thing we call the world wide web for anything interesting to do to help easy my time here. I never realize how stupid some people are. I ran across so many stories about people robbing banks or gas stations where they either worked or applied at or they would right there "Give me all of your cash" demand on a letter that has their address on it. There are some good things on the Internet to browse through. You can check up on the latest gossip about Brittney spears or play the latest silly game that involves good old George bush. (trying to hit him with a shoes is my favorite) Oh well I guess it's back to finding something new to look at while I pass my time here on this Friday afternoon

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